Applying these four criteria to the transit agencies that carry more than 20 million riders a year, the nation’s worst managed transit agency is (drumroll please) — the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS). VTA is fifth-worst, with Sacramento, Cleveland, and St. Louis coming between them.
​Yet even as drivers enjoy free-flowing traffic, long-standing structural concerns in transportation remain. Decades of suburbanization and highway investment have stretched the distances between where people live and where they want to go. The result is a transportation system that is a top source of pollution and unintentional death, strains household budgets and public coffers, and gives consumers little transportation choice.
Removing parking requirements is part of efforts to reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled in the city, according to Emily Breslin, climate manager with the San Jose Department of Transportation. She said reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, helping the city meet its climate change goals.
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority reports 165 employees have tested positive for COVID-19 since March 2020, and leaders of the VTA's largest labor union say in the past three days, a dozen new cases have been reported, mostly among bus drivers. Five employees are currently recovering from hospitalizations.
After receiving a record-setting number of nominations, we’ve narrowed it down to just a handful of truly terrible stops for your consideration. And while we don’t want to ruin the surprise, let’s just say some of them are pretty perilous. (Hint to transit agencies: if you put a stop at the edge of a literal cliff, Streetsblog readers might call you out on it.)
This report presents a list of community-identified priorities that can guide community leaders, city staff, and elected officials in further discussions about future development in the Alum Rock Focus Area. The community engagement, neighborhood assessment, and stakeholder feedback identified priorities focused on affordability and displacement, quality and upkeep of public streets and parks, enhancing safety and reducing neighborhood crime, mobility, and the activation of social gathering spaces with recreation and art.
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